Saturday, December 08, 2007

Numbers Game

by Matt Hames

It’s the team with the big numbers on their backs (Glenn Howard) versus the five-man, but-playing-with-four-this-weekend Wayne Middaugh team.

Thanks to The Curling Show podcast interview with Brent Laing, I learned that:

Howard chose 4 in honour of Bobby Orr.
Richie Hart is 11 because it was his hockey number.
Brent is 7 because 2007 was, and still is, a good year.
Craig Savill is 27 because it’s his hockey number.

We wondered if Glenn would throw a center guard, or throw it into the rings in the first end. He threw it into the rings and Wayne, on cue, walked up and threw a corner guard. We knew there were gonna be rocks in play, the question was: would the team without last rock start the end throwing it into the rings?

The answer in end no. 1 is yes. And it could end up working in Middaugh’s favour.

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