Monday, December 10, 2007


by Matt Hames

RAMA – Dang, it’s cold in here.

At his presser yesterday, Martin talked about the ice. He said that it was the same speed in practice as it was for his 14K draw to the can.

That’s awesome, because we’re in what’s called the casino’s Entertainment Centre. It’s a big room with seats. When it was built, no one could have envisioned a curling game played here. Boxing? Sure. But curling?

We already wrote about the plant that is located on a concrete floor.

The picture you see here is the reason it’s so cold in here. That’s a big hose (photo) connected directly to outside. Cold, crisp Barrie-slash-Rama air from outside is being pumped into the arena to keep it a cool 55ºF.

Martin was marvelling about the ice conditions. He rightly pointed out that this proves that a curling event can be held almost anywhere.

We’d add “anywhere that outside cold air can be pumped inside.” Not sure how that would work in sub-tropical climates.

Game on. Martin vs. Middaugh. We’ve got the chills.

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